Group Meeting: Monday, February 15, 1 pm
Attending: Kyle, Kathy, Jordan (with a Cameo by Rick Stevens and his dog, Austin)
1. Proposal (due Friday)
We'll have our names, a revised mission statement, a summary of our tentative design/presentation, and descriptions of our focus topics.
By Wednesday, please email the group or post to the blog a short description of your topic, including:
- A working title
- The purpose of your section is
- The elements/stories/media features you think it might include
Kyle is going to write a short description of our proposed design.
Jordan will assemble the pieces and send the proposal to everyone on Thursday so we can make edits if necessary.
2. Design
We talked a little bit about whether we want to make this into a flash package or an html site, or a blend of both. Rick suggested that we focus on the components of our site first. If we end up going with a lot of video, slide shows, etc., flash will be ideal. If we are text heavy, html makes more sense.
3. Audience
Something we might want to decide -- or at least think about -- early is who our target audience is. Is it people who must buy converter boxes? People who are tech savvy and want to learn about what this all means? Both?
It might be a good idea to post your ideas about who you think our audience is and why to our blog. That way we can start a discussion going that will help guide the content we make.
Next meeting: (tentative) Monday, March 2, at 1 pm, Armory basement
-- Jordan
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