5:19 PM | 1 Comments

Hey guys, I'm meeting with Dick Green, CEO of CableLabs in Louisville to talk about how digital tv works. He's a pretty important guy, I'm surprised I landed an interview with him, but I'm stoked nevertheless. He should paint a pretty good picture of how this whole thing works. You can read more about him here. He's actually a member of the cable hall of fame. Anything in particular you guys want me to ask him to help out with your stories?



jordanwb said...

Wow, nice work Kyle. When is the interview?

I'd like to ask him a little bit about where he thinks the future of TV is heading. For that piece, I'd like to get sound bites from a bunch of different sources and put together an audio story. Are you planning on bringing an audio recorder?



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Our mission is to explore the business, political and environmental effects, history and revolution of this and similar technologies, and civic cost of the Congress-mandated Digital Television Transition. This project will inform and educate the estimated 19.6 million households who will be affected by the switch from analog to digital signals on June 12, 2009 in the U.S.