While driving to a dairy farm near Eaton today, I heard a piece on NPR's All Things Considered about the forthcoming convergence of web and TV: Hooking up PC to TV could be near.

This is directly relevant to my "future of TV" story, but you guys might be interested, too. It addresses why and how cable companies are trying to keep TV and internet from merging. They also have a nice guide (web only, not in the radio piece) on what technologies will help you use internet on your TV right now.

Anyone remember WebTV, where you could have an email account and web browser on your TV, and surf wit a keyboard? (Is that what it was called?) When did that come onto the scene, like...7 years ago? I guess some things just take a while to actually happen...



KCN said...

Jordan-I had WebTV at least 11 or 12 years ago---soooo interesting!

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Our mission is to explore the business, political and environmental effects, history and revolution of this and similar technologies, and civic cost of the Congress-mandated Digital Television Transition. This project will inform and educate the estimated 19.6 million households who will be affected by the switch from analog to digital signals on June 12, 2009 in the U.S.