Grist's Ask Umbra took on the digital TV switch today. This is probably most relevant to Kathy's beat, but the article also has lots of other useful links, like How Stuff Work's (one of my favorite sites!) take on DTV.

(Side note: Though I normally swoon any time someone mentions "planned obsolescence," I feel that the DTV switch is outside that realm. Working planned obsolescence into this Ask Umbra column was a bit inappropriate. The DTV switch is unplanned obsolescence, which is why it's creating such a stir. We are groomed to adjust to the other kind!)

-- Jordan


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Our mission is to explore the business, political and environmental effects, history and revolution of this and similar technologies, and civic cost of the Congress-mandated Digital Television Transition. This project will inform and educate the estimated 19.6 million households who will be affected by the switch from analog to digital signals on June 12, 2009 in the U.S.